Detikcoy Template - A Free and SEO-Friendly Blog News Template Inspired by Detikcom

Detikcoy Template is a free blog news template created by the talented developer, Bung Rully. The template is designed to closely resemble the popular

Detikcoy Template - A Free and SEO-Friendly Blog News Template Inspired by Detikcom


Detikcoy Template is a free blog news template created by the talented developer, Bung Rully. The template is designed to closely resemble the popular Detikcom website, offering a similar layout and style. Officially released on January 2, 2019, Detikcoy Template captures the essence of Detikcom's classic design, providing bloggers and news enthusiasts with an opportunity to replicate the renowned website's appearance on their own platforms.

Detikcoy Template -
Detikcoy Template -

1. The Genesis of Detikcoy Template

Detikcoy Template was conceived by Bung Rully, a skilled developer with a passion for designing high-quality blog templates. Recognizing the widespread appeal of Detikcom's user interface, Bung Rully set out to create a template that could mirror its aesthetics, allowing users to emulate the essence of Detikcom's layout and presentation.

2. The Features of Detikcoy Template

The Detikcoy Template offers an array of remarkable features that make it a compelling choice for bloggers and news-oriented websites:

a) Visually Appealing Design

Detikcoy Template's visually striking design emulates the classic appearance of Detikcom, ensuring a sense of familiarity and comfort for visitors.

b) Responsiveness

With a responsive design, Detikcoy Template adapts seamlessly to various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, providing an optimal user experience across platforms.

c) User-Friendly Interface

The template's intuitive interface enables easy navigation, helping readers access content without any hassle.

d) SEO-Friendly Structure

Detikcoy Template is crafted with SEO principles in mind. The clean and well-organized structure aids search engines in understanding and ranking the website's content effectively.

e) Speed Optimization

Fast-loading pages contribute to improved user engagement and search engine rankings, enhancing the overall performance of websites built on Detikcoy Template.

3. How to Download Detikcoy Template

To download the Detikcoy Template and enjoy its exceptional features, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit this link.
  2. Locate the Detikcoy Template page.
  3. Click on the download link and save the template files to your computer.
  4. Extract the downloaded files, and you're ready to integrate Detikcoy Template into your blogging platform.

4. Embrace the Essence of Detikcom

Detikcoy Template offers a remarkable opportunity for bloggers and news websites to capture the essence of Detikcom. By utilizing this template, content creators can recreate the iconic design of Detikcom, resonating with their audience and enhancing user engagement.

5. The Impact of Detikcoy Template

Since its official release, Detikcoy Template has gained significant popularity among bloggers and news enthusiasts. Websites that have adopted this template have experienced an increase in user retention and organic traffic, thanks to its SEO-friendly structure and visually appealing layout.


In conclusion, Detikcoy Template stands as a remarkable tribute to Detikcom's classic design, providing bloggers and news-oriented websites with an opportunity to replicate its iconic appearance. With its user-friendly interface, responsiveness, and SEO-friendly attributes, Detikcoy Template has become a favorite among content creators seeking to enhance their website's aesthetics and performance. Download Detikcoy Template today and embark on a journey to emulate the renowned Detikcom's visual charm while delivering compelling news content to your readers.

Download: click here 

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